One ISA to Rule Them All

AMD's x86-64 based processors perform really well in 32 bit mode (and better performance in 64bit mode). AMD is moving all their product lines over to x86-64. Microsoft is on the verge of releasing an operating system to support x86-64 on which both 32 bit and 64 bit applications can run. Driver and application support are getting better everyday. It certainly seems like x86-64 is the place to be for desktop 64 bit architectures.

There have been rumors about Yamhill for a very long time, Intel and AMD have licensing agreements that give Intel access to AMD's extensions, and Intel will already have software support as they make their move (this verified by Steve Ballmer of Microsoft).

The only downside is that some in the industry seem to think that Intel be submitting to AMD on some level by adopting their extensions. While this kind of perception could help AMD, we at AnandTech believe that credit should go where credit is due: AMD designed a very solid and effective extension to x86 regardless of whether or not Intel wanted to adopt it. As for Intel running with x86-64, more power to them as well: there exists a better option than current x86 technology, and by implementing x86-64, Intel shows a commitment to providing high performance processors to its customers (at least in the workstation and server space).
Intel x86 Extensions? Final Words
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  • Mrburns2007 - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 - link

    XDR has 6.4 GB/s per chip not module.
  • Ecmaster76 - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 - link

    "ultra emulated x86 with 8-way-hyperthreading and a +5 Dynamic Compiler of Doom"

    Sweet! Where can I get one? Is it compatible with my DRAM skin armor?
    Someones been playing too much Baldur's Gate, and not just me.
    (Think of all the processors Intel could sell with marketing like that.)
  • DerekWilson - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 - link

    Actually, PCI-X is completely differet from PCI Express ... PCI-X is a parallel architecture that's wider and faster than the 32bit 33mhz pci bus ... PCI Express is specification for a point to point serial bus protocol (and multiple serial data streams can be sent to the same periphreial, thus the x16 pci express graphics card).

    Any when I was talking about ATI's "next gen" chip I wasn't talking about their current PCI Express solution RV380. I was talking about some unspecified demo that I'm going to assume was R420 or R423... I just didn't want to mention a card since ATI wouldn't tell me which card it was that was powering the box.

    I think I fixed all the typos, sorry bout that ... I've been working by jumping between hotspots and hand coding html rather than using the dreamweaver over broadband that I'm used to ;-)
  • Lonyo - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 - link

    Intel was pretty much always going to use compatible 64bit extensions.
    They have to work with the OS, since MS is pretty much dictating that.

    AMD set up the initial spec (I would assume), and Intel didn't have much choice but to follow.

    ATi and nVidia have to stick to the PCI-Express spec to make their next gen graphics cards, and that was designed by Intel, it's just a similar thing.

    AMD obviously did well to get there first though and set the standards.
  • Malladine - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 - link

    KillaKilla's older brother: PC3200 Bandwidth is 3.2gb/s :)
  • KillaKilla - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 - link

    whoops forgot a few things, guess I "jumped the gun[post]"...
    1st, this isn't KillaKilla, hes my brother, I don't have my own nick yet, sorry...
    What did you mean by "2x to 3x performance gains" for native PCI-X (pci express is PCIX, right? I've seen it as PCI-E, but that was from before?) Also, what are these "HD streams"(2nd to last paragraph, 2nd page) you talk about?

    3rd page:

    "The upcoming XDR chips were on display up at the RAMBUS both across from a demo of Toshiba chips running at very high speeds (the bandwidth of XDR is 6.4GB/s)." Isn't DC-DDR 3200/400's bandwidth 6.4GB/s?

    4th page:

    I'm not surprised that intel cross-licenced x86-64... it was only logical seeing MS-XP64. Kudos to AMD for making a better 64-bit solution(extension set).

    -KillaKilla's older brother
  • KillaKilla - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 - link

    Once again, first post.

    Anyway, there are a few typos.
    the Borad in the title?
    The open tags on 2nd page

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