Final Words

You can share your overclock results with friends and in Forums, but for the most part, overclocking is a solitary pursuit. ATI’s plan to bring all these world-renowned overclockers together for an Overclocking Competition was a great idea. It was also a great way to showcase to the world that ATI is serious about the AMD chipset market.

Fugger, Macci, and OPPainter didn’t break any new records in Dallas, but we suspect that a few may fall when they return to Las Vegas, Finland, and California.

The Overclocking Competition featured possibilities, and the extremes that serious end-users will go to just to own a world record. These overclockers were like a group of rocket car builders out to break the land-speed record. Anything goes and the methods are almost as much mystical as they are science.

But just watching these extreme overclockers work gave all of us attending a lot of insight into ways to push our own systems a little further. Most of our readers are more like stock car drivers, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t learn something from those who push the envelope to the very edge.

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  • Budman - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - link

    That's some serious shite !!!

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