A Brief History of Computing

We thought we'd conclude with a brief trip down memory lane, courtesy of the Windows Hardware Showcase venue. The following are pictures of many of the former hardware platforms for Microsoft Operating Systems, and we enjoyed reminiscing about the capabilities and costs so much that we thought we'd give you all the same enjoyment. That DX2/66 system in particular was a real bargain!

Click to enlarge

Final Words

Tomorrow there are multiple sessions on Avalon and the virtualization advancements of Longhorn, Intel and AMD. Of course, everyone is interested in the new Longhorn interface, and we hope to get a few questions answered before bringing you our take on the current state of the Longhorn user experience. With all the hype surrounding Longhorn, we really hope we'll be able to gather more info than what we saw running at the opening keynote.

Hopefully the rest of our time at WinHEC will be as fruitful as the past two days. If we stumble across anything interesting, we will be sure to get something up about it as soon as possible. Stay tuned!

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  • Turin39789 - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - link

    millenium falcon?
  • gsellis - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - link

    Thanks for the reports. Changed jobs this year and could not go. :(

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