Most Stable Single Processor BX Motherboard

2nd Runner Up: Most Stable Single Processor BX Motherboard

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AnandTech's first tests on a Gigabyte manufactured motherboard went extremely well, as the BX2000 came away with very high stability marks, virtually tying with the second runner up, the AOpen AX6BC, both of which are excellent motherboards in more than one respect.

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Gigabyte BX2000
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1st Runner Up: Most Stable Single Processor BX Motherboard

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Taking from its older, dual-processor brothers, the Supermicro P6SBA brings the server-tradition down to an affordable, single-processor level. While the air seems to have rushed out of Tyan's single processor motherboards in terms of quality, Supermicro has kept the high-end tradition alive with the P6SBA.

Supermicro P6SBA
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Most Stable Single Processor BX Motherboard

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Intel may not make the best motherboards, their expansion capabilities may be some of the worst you've seen, and their potential for overclocking may be non-existent, but when the CPU giant sits down to make a motherboard, they make sure that board does one thing: run like it should. Chances are that you won't want a SE440BX, but don't turn one away for a solid second system, as it'll take quite a bit before it even hiccups.

Intel SE440BX
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