Best Overall Single Processor BX Motherboard

1st Runner Up: Best Overall Single Processor BX Motherboard

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ABIT's name stands strong behind their newest flagship, the BX6 Revision 2. The second revision of their original knockout BX board comes with all of the thrills a BX board owner could possibly ask for, as well as the well known SoftMenuTM Jumperless CPU setup and the ability to manually adjust the core voltage of your processor.

ABIT BX6 Revision 2
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Lacking only in stability and punished by its larger size, the BX6 Revision 2 does end up with a fairly honorable mention as the 2nd runner up in this category.

Best Overall Single Processor BX Motherboard

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The AOpen AX6BC's combination of stability and reliability make up one of the three pillars upon which AOpen has stood on in the industry.

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The AX6BC offers solid performance, a standard expansion slot configuration, strong support from the manufacturer, and is a readily available board in the market. The board's major downsides include the lack of a voltage configuration utility (a change that seems to be present in some very rare versions of the AX6BC) and the unfortunate positioning of the floppy connector on the board. Other than that, the AX6BC is ideal for overclockers, normal and even high-end users not looking for on-board SCSI or multi-processor support.
Quick Comparison Chart Best Overclocker's Board
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